Our Story

Give someone the pleasant surprise of finding a luxe, personalized package on their doorstep.

The founder of Boxes by Genna is a mental health professional committed to making it easy to feel connected. Putting together therapeutic care packages combines many things she loves: helping others, making relationships stronger, and shopping to find just the right therapeutic products. More about Dr. Katie

 Our Philosophy

Boxes by Genna exists to make it easy to boost the mood & mindset of the people you care about most.

Our mission is to touch the heart of each person who receives one of our therapeutic gift boxes on their doorstep. Every box is filled with beautiful gifts intended to immerse the recipient in feelings of love and wellness. Choosing the perfect box is as easy as deciding on a theme; choose your favorite from categories like relaxation, overcoming challenges, staying positive, feeling supported, and finding a sense of purpose after a big life change.

Our gift boxes have a variety of themes to fit the type of occasion or mood you’re looking for.

Whether it’s support for processing grief, encouragement after divorce, sending spa day supplies to relax, congratulating a new mom, or thanking them for being in your life, we’ve got you covered.

My work as a mental health professional has inspired me to create Boxes by Genna. Putting together therapeutic care packages combines my love of helping others, making relationships stronger, and shopping to find just the right products for you and your loved ones. 

Creating these care packages also taps into the deep love I have for my daughter, Genevieve (Genna), who serves as another inspiration for me. Even when she was very young, she enjoyed making and sending cards and gifts to her friends in the mail. It made her happy to make them happy, and that happiness spread to me to see her eyes light up when receiving something back from her friends. 

The ripple effect of experiencing this sense of connection is profound. Feeling happy because you feel valued by someone naturally inspires you to want to create that feeling in someone else. I’m passionate about helping make it easy for you to spread your joy to those who you care about most. See the original packages that started it all→

Why a care package company?

Meet the Founder

Dr. Katie & Genna in 2020

Dr. Katie Olson, PsyD., LP. is a practicing therapist in the Twin Cities, Minnesota, where she lives with her husband and three kids.

The inspiration for her company name came from her daughter, Genevieve, who has always been sending and receiving little gifts through the mail with joy.

She sold her first boxes at craft fairs and through Etsy before launching her own online shop in 2019.

Hear what her customers have to say→

 A portion of each sale is donated locally to the important work of the Women’s Advocates.

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