How it works

Shop with confidence! Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.

When you make your purchase we get to work on your box. Every hard surface item is disinfected before packed safely in the sturdy shipping box.

Each box is padded with recyclable paper filler and an extra layer of bubble wrap for protection to ensure every item arrives in perfect condition to your recipient.

The message you write during the checkout process is printed and together with a theme-coordinating graphic, added to the lid of the box.

Each box is mailed via USPS with a tracking number that will be emailed to you, along with a photo of the inside of your box.

You can expect your box to arrive within 5-7 business days.

Building Your Own Box

We know that some of you love finding each item specifically for your loved one, so we have our products listed individually for you to do just that!

  1. Choose your items

  2. Checkout

If you are building more than one box, simply place multiple orders. Each order will be packed into it’s own box.

If you have questions or issues with your order, contact us here. We’re here to help.